Migrating grom Gmail to Fastmail…

(22) Inbox | FastMail

To sum it up: it’s a breeze.

Why? Tons of reasons. And especially the fact that I no longer feel happy with using a generic @gmail email address.

How? By reconnecting all of my email accounts to my fastmail inbox through imap.

Where? You can create an account on www.fastmail.fm

The only account that has problems connecting to fastmail is… gmail itself. Google seems to be throttling the connection somehow – don’t know whose fault it is. After many failed attempts, my strategy has been to change my default reply-to in gmail settings so that it would stop using my @gmail address as the main one. It made the transition very simple. People keep writing me on my @gmail address, I reply automatically from my new address, and the rest of the discussion goes on in fastmail rather than in gmail.

The result? Fastmail definitely feels better: faster, slicker, meaner – and more secure somehow. Also I stopped using a generic @gmail account to go back to my own domain account – you can use with gmail, but it’s only a turnaround.

I decided to subscribe to fastmail for one year to begin with.

Next step? Getting back to hosting my mailbox myself with something like Cozycloud?